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    #CSUSocial is looking for a student intern to join our vlogging team, and post weekly videos about YOUR life to A Ram's Life YouTube channel.


    Google Search Console is an excellent tool for optimizing your webpages to address search queries that are not bringing the clicks.


    More than ever, people are turning to social media as a way to stay connected as we practice safe social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.


    Posting a video to social media often means doing three edits for different social media platforms: horizontal, square and vertical. But, a new tool on Premiere Pro does all the work for you.


    Three social media trends stand out as having potential for meaningful impact in the higher education communication space.


    YouTube is serving more personalized content than ever before. In this blog post we attempt to deconstruct YouTube's algorithm heading into 2020.


    If your university president, dean, or anyone in leadership is interested in starting a Twitter or Instagram account, here are some tips, based on our own rockstar, President McConnell.


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    Here's five projects that stand out as fond memories during my time with CSU Social.


    Google Search Console helps you monitor, manage, and troubleshoot issues with your website's presence on Google.

    A Decade of #CSUSocial

    It’s been a decade of firsts, growth, successes, viral sensations, tough moments, milestones and more.

    End-of-the-Year Content Ideas for Social Media

    Before we ring in the new year (and decade), here are some year-end content ideas for social media, including ideas for finals week, commencement and the holidays.

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    New Job…Sorta Starting in January I will be transitioning out of working for CSU Social and moving into fully working...

    How Social Media Has Changed in the Last 10 Years

    This decade brought the rise and fall (RIP Vine) to many social platforms - here's a look at the evolution of social media over the last 10 years.

    YouTube Vlogging Strategy: What Just Happened?!

    Something wild -- in a good way -- is happening with our new YouTube series called A Ram's Life, and I don't understand what's driving the surge. This blog entry is all about trying to discover the answers to the questions I now have.

    Instagram Stories Hack: Adobe Spark

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    4 Takeaways from Social Media Strategies Summit for Higher Education

    An unexpected perk of working in higher education social media is the HESM community.

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    Making E-Scooter Safety Information Social

    There's more to mascots than meets the eye. Here is how we strategically used CAM the Ram to share safety information.

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    Understanding some of the terms that you are likely to see in most Google Analytics reports.

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